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中方继续履行第一阶段贸易协议 扩大农产品进口
来源:     时间 : 2020-05-25

“中国是美国农业潜力巨大的市场,这些行动将帮助美国出口商扩大在中国的销售。”美国农业部长桑尼·珀杜(Sonny Perdue)说。
“中国已与美国合作实施措施,使美国生产商和出口商有更多机会进入中国不断增长的粮食和农业市场。”美国贸易代表罗伯特·莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer)说。







华盛顿D.C. ——美国农业部 (USDA) 和美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)今天宣布《美中第一阶段经济和贸易协议》(协议)中与农业相关的条款实施取得进一步进展。这项协议于2020年2月14日生效,下述的近期行动以USDA和USTR于2月25日、3月10日及3月24日宣布的行动为基础。当前两国皆处于困难时期。重要的是,我们要各自继续工作,让我们的协议成功。由于协议持续的进展:

? 美国蓝莓和加州哈斯牛油果现可出口至中国。这项新的市场准入将为加州牛油果种植者和美国各地的蓝莓种植者在未来几年带来将他们的产品卖给中国消费者的新机会。2019年,中国的新鲜蔬果进口额创逾86亿美元的记录。

? 美国供加工的大麦,以及牧草产品提摩西牧草(Timothy hay)、苜蓿草草块及颗粒,以及块状及颗粒杏仁粉现可出口至中国。2019年,中国进口价值15亿美元的大麦用作饲料和麦芽饮的制造,牧草产品进口额创5亿美元的记录。

? 近几周,中国更新了美国符合出口至中国资格的牛肉、猪肉、禽肉、海鲜、奶类和婴儿奶粉产品的设施清单。中国的清单现有499家牛肉设施、457家猪肉设施、470家禽肉设施、397家海鲜设施、253家奶制品设施以及9家婴儿奶粉设施。由于这些行动,美国符合出口食品和农产品至中国的设施数达新高。USDA的食品安全检验局继续更新其出口图书馆,该图书馆为美国肉类和禽肉出口商提供额外指南,包括与可出口至中国的产品范围的相关信息、中国的标识要求和其他指南。

? 中国于5月15日公布了供人类食用的乳渗透物粉的新国内标准,将允许该产品未来自美的进口。2019年,中国从世界各地进口近120亿美元的奶制品。


农业部长桑尼·珀杜表示中国对美国农业带来巨大市场潜力,这些行动将帮助美国出口商扩大在中国的销售。我们期待继续与中国合作实施第一阶段的承诺,立即增加美国所有种类的农产品出口 “



美国贸易代表办公室· Washington, D.C. 20508 · www.ustr.gov· 202-395-3230

USDA and USTR Announce Continued Progress on Implementation of U.S.-China Phase One Agreement

Office of the United States Trade Representative


Contact: USTR Public & Media Affairs


 Announce Continued Progress on Implementation of U.S.-China Phase One Agreement

Washington, DC –  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) today announced additional progress in the implementation of the agriculture-related provisions of the U.S.-China Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement (The Agreement), which entered into force on February 14, 2020. Recent actions described below build upon the actions announced by USDA and USTR on February 25, March 10, and March 24.  These are difficult times for both our countries.  It is important that we each continue to work to make our agreement a success.  Because of this continued progres ands due to the Agreement:

? U.S. blueberries and California Hass avocados can now be exported to China.  This new market access will provide California avocado growers and blueberry growers from around the United States with new opportunities to market their products to Chinese consumers in the coming years.  In 2019, China imported a record volume of fresh fruits and vegetables exceeding $8.6 billion.  

? U.S. barley for processing, along with the forage products Timothy hay, alfalfa hay pellets and cubes, and almond meal pellets and cubes can now be exported to China.  In 2019, China imported $1.5 billion of barley used as feed and for malt beverage production, and a record $500 million of forage products. 

? In recent weeks, China updated its lists of U.S. facilities eligible to export beef, pork, poultry, seafood, dairy, and infant formula products to China. China’s lists now include 499 beef, 457 pork, 470 poultry, 397 seafood, and 253 dairy and 9 infant formula facilities. As a result of these actions, more U.S. facilities are eligible to export U.S. food and agricultural products to China than ever before.  USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service continues to update its export library, which provides additional guidance for U.S. meat and poultry meat exporters, including information related to the scope of products that may be exported to China, China’s labeling requirements, and other guidance.

? China published on May 15 a new domestic standard for dairy permeate powder for human consumption that will allow imports of this product from the United States in the future.  In 2019, China imported nearly $12 billion of dairy products from around the world. 

China continues to implement its tariff exclusion process in an attempt to facilitate imports of U.S. commodities.  USDA continues to publish guidance for U.S. exporters seeking to participate in this process (USDA Global Agricultural Information Network).  USTR is continuing to process and where appropriate grant exclusions of products from China. USDA also is implementing its obligations under the agreement.

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue said“China is a market of tremendous potential for U.S. agriculture and these actions will help U.S. exporters expand their sales there.  We look forward to continued cooperative work with China on implementation of Phase One commitments, and immediate increases in U.S. exports of all manner of agricultural products.”

United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said, “China has worked with the United States to implement measures that will provide greater access for U.S. producers and exporters to China’s growing food and agricultural markets. Under President Trump’s leadership, we fully expect this agreement to be a success.”


The Office of the United States Trade Representative · Washington, D.C. 20508 · www.ustr.gov · 202-395-3230